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AIM: To enable a healthy and safe return to equestrian activities by conducting events where all participants (organisers, competitors, officials, volunteers and supporters) are asked and enabled to comply with relevant and necessary Covid-19 requirements.

PARTICIPANTS & ALL ATTENDEES:  Information and Protocols

Please Note: this information and protocols form part of the entry terms and conditions and apply to all competitors and all persons who attend a Young Dressage Association Inc. event.


  • All participants are required to take personal responsibility to their own health, safety and wellbeing and the “impact on others”.

  • Comply with all current NSW government Covid-19 advice and guidelines

  • Participants are strongly encouraged to download the Covid-19 Safe App (supports traceability)

  • Fill out the Self Declaration form  or print one & provide it upon arrival, to the Club House.

  • Provide your name and contact details for the Attendance Registry – this can be done online prior to arrival or upon arrival by either providing details on the form or by scanning the QR code available at the entry gate, clubhouse or gear check. You will need to have the Service NSW app installed on your phone to scan the QR code for registration.

  • Do not attend the event if you are experiencing any symptoms or unwell

  • Disclose immediately to the nominated Safety Officer at the event if you start experiencing any symptoms: flu-like symptoms, sore throat, cough, loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath, high temperature etc while at the event

  • If you become unwell following the event, it is your responsibility to seek medical advice and to contact the event organiser and report

  • Practice strict, frequent and effective hygiene measures including hand washing and sanitising; cough and sneeze protocols; no equipment sharing and non-contact.

Physical Distancing:

  • Maintain a strict physical distancing limit of 1.5m

  • Bring and use your own water and equipment and do not share these with others

  • Adhere to distancing guidelines at facilities including toilets, washrooms, catering outlets, gear check, clubhouse etc

  • Avoid all unnecessary group gatherings and adhere to distancing guidelines and non-contact

  • At Gear check adhere to guidelines: wear gloves while doing gear check; do not touch participant’s tack, horse or person; use sanitiser provided  etc

  • When parking, provide sufficient space between vehicles (guidelines are minimum 4 metres) to comply with physical distancing requirements

  • Comply with distancing guidelines in regard to stabling and use of wash bays etc

Support Personnel:

  • During Covid-19 restrictions, no spectators will be allowed at events. Competitors may however be accompanied by the minimum number of support personnel (EA suggests one parent, groom or support person)

Cancellation and Refunds:

  • If for any reason the Organising Committee has to cancel an event after entries have been received, the refund of entry fees provided will be less any administration or other fees which the Organising Committee has been charged.

Judges; Writers and Officials:

  • Judges’ cars should have the windows wound down

  • Writers should sit in the back seat of the vehicle on the opposite side to the judge ( unless the judge has brought a writer from their own family etc )

  • Other officials and volunteers, such as for Gear Check to follow the protocols and guidelines outlined above and on signage at the event

  • Writers should not share writing implements

Organising Committee:

  • Committee members to reinforce the importance of physical distancing, strict hygiene protocols and other Covid-19 risk management protocols

  • Resumption of equestrian training and competition activities should not compromise the health of participants, horses or the community.

  • Will appoint an Event Safety Officer to assist in planning, implementation and monitoring of this Covid-19 Risk Management Plan

  • Will generate an Attendance Registry of all participants and attendees to assist with swift contact tracing if required and keep these details for at least 28 days

  • Will provide hand cleaning/ sanitising stations in appropriate locations

  • Will provide signage in appropriate locations reminding attendees of necessary protocols

  • Will provide disinfectant, gloves and paper towel for use where required

  • Will undertake cleaning of high touch surfaces before, during and after the event

  • Will maximise the opportunity to complete documentation, payments etc via digital format where possible, as well as the delivery of test papers and results

  • Will make available relevant Covid-19 procedures and protocols, including this Management Plan, to all participants prior to the day

  • Provide signage and guidelines for the use of shared areas such as stables/ yards and wash bays

  • The club room and equipment storage areas will be restricted to organising personnel only to comply with physical distancing guidelines

  • Provide signage and guidelines for the use of catering and food facilities

  • Provide signage and guidelines for the use of toilet and shower facilities

  • Minimise any shared equipment and sanitise such equipment and major touch points before, during and after the event.


This Management Plan is based on the EA Guideline – Resuming Equestrian Training and Competition Activities in a Covid-19 Environment (June 2020) and current NSW Government guidelines.

It has been approved by the Young Dressage Association Inc. Committee – July 2020.

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